Feng Shui Home & Living Improvement

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for Each & Every Room in the Home

Free Download: Feng Shui Home


Modern Feng Shui Guide for the Best Home Vibe

The Purpose of Feng Shui & its Natural Role

Before applying Feng Shui into our home, we shall know and understand its primary purpose and role. Feng Shui represents the natural flow of life energy - chi. The purpose of Feng Shui is creating balance and harmony within any interior space and meanwhile activating positive energies and dismissing the negative ones. The role of Feng Shui is creating and maintaining a highly vibrant, auspicious and healthy home environment for all the family members and their guests.

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of furniture placement and décor arrangement in a way which allows us - humans to live in harmony with the powerful life energy - chi and utilize it to attract great health, happiness, well-being and good fortune into our lives and homes. Once we learn how to use and apply the art of Feng Shui, we are able to improve the energy of our home permanently by simply making certain adjustments in design and décor of our living space. This can be done by simply moving the furniture around, adding or removing certain décor items and objects.

The best part of applying Feng Shui into our home is the fact that there is no need for spending an extensive amount of money or making a huge renovation in order to create a significant energy change in it. Feng Shui allows people to create a big impact on their home energy even with just buying a Lucky Bamboo and Jade Plant or simply decluttering the interior space by getting rid of all the unused clothes and items.

Home vibes and the life energy - chi of any home space in Feng Shui is mostly and strongly influenced by the following factors:

Furniture Placement, Shape of the Elements & Décor Items and Interior Colors.

Feng Shui Furniture Placement

Furniture Placement certainly creates the biggest impact and influence on quality of life energy - chi and Feng Shui in every home. This is the ultimate Feng Shui factor which dictates if the energy flow moves freely around the living space or it creates blockages and stagnations which then negatively reflects onto people's lives and well-being. The correct and proper Feng Shui furniture placement creates positive vibes, peace and harmony within the home. To ensure only highly positive and most auspicious home vibes, we must place the furniture in a way which will maximize the potential of the life energy - chi in the space and allow the free flowing flow to circulate around the living space. Each room in the home requires a specific arrangement in accordance with Feng Shui rules and laws and has a specific layout which should be followed, if we want to place the furniture in the most energetically beneficial way for ourselves, our families and guests.

In Feng Shui, the most important furniture parts of the home are: bed in the bedroom, baby bed or child's bed in the kids room, sofa and the sitting area in the living room, oven in the kitchen, table with chairs in the dining area,  office desk in the office or working area, seating area in the garden or outdoors. All those furniture pieces play a highly important role when it comes to energy in the home and determine its flow based on their placement. The best and most favorable position or furniture placement in Feng Shui is called 'command position' - which places bed, sofa, sitting area, office desk and other crucial furniture pieces diagonally to the room door, so that people have at all times clear view at the door and feel in control of their living space. At the same time, their backs are positioned against a solid wall which provides support and stability.

To ensure that every room of your home is set up in accordance with Feng Shui standards and your home has the best vibe, visit the following links to get all the necessary guidance and assistance: Feng Shui Entrance & Hallway, Feng Shui Kitchen, Feng Shui Living Room, Feng Shui Bedroom, Feng Shui Bathroom, Feng Shui Kid's Room & Nursery, Feng Shui Garden & Outdoors.

Feng Shui Shape of the Elements and Décor Items

Shape of the Elements and Décor Items is another major Feng Shui factor that should be taken into consideration when it comes to vibes in the home. Some shapes are more energetically auspicious than the others. For example: the round tables are most preferable for eating since they allow the energy to move around the table freely, affecting the behavior and conversations of the people seated by the table in the most auspicious way. But, that doesn't mean that round shape is also the most beneficial one when it comes to baby cribs for example. In this case a round baby bed would create too much energy around the child and very negatively impact the sleep and mood of the child.

Feng Shui favors and recommends round shape as the best and most auspicious choice for; dining and coffee tables, sofas and sitting chairs, all the mirrors and rugs that are placed in the center of the home, in the living room or in the outdoor areas, such as garden or terrace. Because there are no sharp edges that would disturb the energy flow, round shape is an ideal option for all the furniture parts that serve as a place of gathering for family members and their friends. This allows harmonious conversation, communication and allows people to express themselves freely. Round shape is not recommended and should be avoided when it comes to all types of beds because the round shape is highly energetic and active, that's why it doesn't support having a rest or sleeping.

Feng Shui Interior Colors

Interior Colors may be the last but definitely not the least important thing which makes a significant impact on the energy of our home. In Feng Shui, as in science and psychology, there is a belief that every single color emits a specific vibrational frequency which impacts the mood and well-being of the people. That's why it is highly recommended that we pay special attention and care while choosing the most appropriate colors in interior design and décor of the living space.
A good balance between Yin and Yang energies - dark and light colors is required in Feng Shui, in order to keep the home vibes high, vibrant and healthy. Which means, the rooms in the home shouldn't be too dark or too light.

Dark colors, such as black are associated with negative vibes, depression and darkness. White colors are very energetically active and tend to encourage a lot of creativity. In other words, if you choose a lot of white color for your bedroom space, it would probably make you too creative and mentally active which is not the best option for a good rest or sleeping. In case you decide to implement black as a dominant color for the furniture of  your bedroom, you can expect to deal with insomnia, nightmares, negative thoughts and anxiety. That is why Feng Shui strongly emphasizes the importance of choosing the right and most appropriate color palette for every single room in your home.

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