1. Keeping a home always clean, organized and uncluttered is the first step towards having a great Feng Shui living space. Also, all the personal belongings, clothes and décor items that are not usable and likeable shouldn't be inside the home in the first place since they tend to keep the energy flow stuck and restrained, which in turn negatively affects people living there.
2. Feng Shui suggests using as much daylight and fresh air as possible throughout the day by keeping the windows open, which allows new and fresh energies to enter in and circulate around the home everyday. In the evening it is equally as important to switch on as many lamps as possible, because in Feng Shui light activates and has the ability to manifest and bring desired life goals to fruition in a much faster and easier way.
3. To boost the Feng Shui energy of any home space - fresh flowers or plants are a must have! They also attract good luck, happiness and have a healing effect.
4. For a more calm, peaceful and harmonious home atmosphere, lighting on the candles regularly will create those kinds of Feng Shui vibes in the living space and make people feel more relaxed. The best candle colors for experiencing a sacred and zen atmosphere are the ones made in color gray, purple, green, baby blue or pink.
5. The best Feng Shui homes have all the rooms arranged and decorated according to the Feng Shui. By using the power of Feng Shui, you can create highly positive vibes in any room, flat or house and attract prosperity, abundance, good luck, fortune and happiness into your life and living space.
To permanently ensure a happy, healthy and prosperous home-life, discover how to Feng Shui
each & every room in the home:
Keeping a home clean, organized and clutter free all the time.
There are 5 Elements in Feng Shui: Wood, Water, Fire, Metal and Earth. To have a highly positive home life and keep the energy flow smooth, vibrant and alive, we need to make sure that all of them are present in interior décor and design. To be able to arrange the home with Feng Shui Elements, we need to know the Bagua Map or the Feng Shui energy map of our living space.
Bagua Map allows us to understand the Feng Shui energy fields in our home to be able to make the most of it. By placing specific Feng Shui elements, colors and symbols in specific areas of our living space we attract more success, abundance, health and love our way. Find out more about the Feng Shui Bagua Map and how exactly it works to create great energy in any interior space.
But, the main and most important Feng Shui rule to attract even more Money & Wealth is to discover where the Feng Shui Wealth & Prosperity area of your home is. When you know the exact location of the Feng Shui Wealth area in your living space - you can arrange your home accordingly with items in red, purple, gold or green (since those colors represent money in Feng Shui). Find out where your Feng Shui Wealth & Prosperity area is located, so you can make necessary adjustments to attract more money, wealth and prosperity in your life and living space.
Once truly understood, Feng Shui becomes a very easy and simple technique to apply in any interior space, but as always, there are certain rules that come with it. Following Feng Shui rules means arranging the home in your own unique style and according to your personal taste, while at the same time taking into consideration the following Feng Shui recommendations and advices:
Feng Shui rules are based on the Feng Shui Bagua Map. Bagua Map holds all the Feng Shui answers and is the basic tool used to analyze the energy in any given interior space. Feng Shui Bagua is an energy map divided into 8 equal squares + the center. Each Feng Shui Bagua square represents one aspect of life. Every home has its own unique Bagua Map and a different energetic layout. To apply Feng Shui rules successfully into any space, first we need to our own Bagua Map.
It is easy to spot a good Feng Shui energy in any home or office space by the feeling of it: fresh, vibrant, balanced and positive. Every healthy interior environment starts with a good Feng Shui in the first place. It is simply arranging your home or office in a way that allows all the good things to find you and stay. It also keeps things moving smoothly in any business affairs. There is a strong presence of positivity in a living or working space and Feng Shui foundation set. Attributes of a Good Feng Shui in Space are:
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science and practice that was formalized over 3,000 years ago in China. Some elements of Feng Shui date back at least 6, 000 years, and they contain elements of various branches of scholarly study, including: physics, philosophy, astronomy and astrology. It is related closely to the Taoist vision and understanding of nature, particularly the idea that land is alive and filled with life energy or chi.
In literal translation Feng means 'Wind' and Shui means 'Water'. In Chinese culture, Wind and Water are associated with good health, thus Feng Shui means good fortune.
Feng Shui Energy Cures play a very important role in decorating any home or office space. Feng Shui Cures are space remedies that help to improve the energy of any interior space by healing and protecting it from the bad energies and negative influences. Here is the list of most popular and well known Feng Shui Cures:
By following the Feng Shui way of arranging the interior space, we are changing the energy of home or office which directly affects the energy field of the people working or living there. Feng Shui has many positive, highly beneficial and life changing benefits. It is trusted for thousands of years by millions of people, celebrities and businesses, and it's used to attract money, good luck, fortune, health, love and success into the homes and lives of the people. These are the benefits of living and working in the Feng Shui space:
There are 5 basic Elements in Feng Shui: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each Feng Shui Element emits different energy and vibe in the space:
Every Feng Shui Element has its own guidelines (which colors, symbols & shapes to use while decorating any home or office). Detailed explanation on how to use all the 5 Feng Shui Elements and apply them correctly in the living or working space can be found in Feng Shui Bagua Map.
Yin and Yang is a very well known symbol of Feng Shui. Yin and Yang represent life energies that are complete opposites but they gravitate towards each other and couldn't coexist without another, for example: day & night, light & dark, women & men, hot & cold. The meaning of Yin and Yang is accepting both good and bad, joy and sadness, ups and downs in life - to be able to truly understand the meaning of the universe and the human role in it. Yin is represented by: passive energy, color black, women, moon, intuition, creativity. Yang symbolizes: active energy, color white, male, sun, strength, passion. The literal translation of the Yin and Yang symbol is 'bright-black' and it's pretty much all about the dualism needed for existence in this world.