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for Each & Every Room in the Home

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The Best and Most Suitable Feng Shui Colors for Your Home or Business

  • Colors play a vital and significant role in our world and society. It is scientifically proven that every color transmits a different energy and by doing so influences the well-being, mood and behavior of the people. Color Psychology affirms that colors serve as a way of expressing ourselves and communicating with others without words, since each color holds its own, unique energy, vibration or frequency.

  • Feng Shui also gives a huge importance to the colors by putting them on pedestal and making them one of the crucial and most significant Feng Shui factors in every home or business space. Feng Shui combined the science of human psychology with the laws of the universe and Feng Shui teaching to create the perfect color palette for every home space. We mentioned that there is specific energy and vibration that each color emits, but there is also a specific Feng Shui Element that each color represents. Taking that into consideration, Feng Shui was able to determine which colors would be the best and most suitable  for each and every room in the home.

  • There are colors in Feng Shui that are more active, passionate and fiery, such as: red, orange and dark pink and there are those more passive and cold, such as: blue, gray and black. According to Feng Shui, yellow color for example promotes happiness but also at the same time increases the appetite. Green and brown colors in Feng Shui are well-known for supporting growth, stability and security. Meanwhile, pink and white colors would be the best for a bedroom or nursery room, as Feng Shui uses them to promote love, romance and relationships.

  • Now that we know that there is a unique purpose behind each and every Feng Shui color, we can use them for the benefit of ourselves and our family by implementing them into our living space, as per what they represent and what kind of energy they transmit. Below is the Feng Shui Color Guide that clearly shows the best and most suitable colors for each and every room in the home.

The Feng Shui Color Palette for Your Home Space



Feng Shui (Life) Area: Wealth & Prosperity

Feng Shui Element: Wood

Feng Shui Energy: Prosperity, Wealth,

Luxury, Intuition, Royalty, Spirituality

Ideal Room: Bathroom



Feng Shui (Life) Area: Fame & Reputation

Feng Shui Element: Fire

Feng Shui Energy: Passion, Fame,

Reputation, Success, Power, Desire

Ideal Room: Kitchen



Feng Shui (Life) Area: Love & Relationships

Feng Shui Element: Earth

Feng Shui Energy: Love, Romance, Relationship, Optimism, Compassion

Ideal Room: Bedroom



Feng Shui (Life) Area: Health & Family

Feng Shui Element: Wood

Feng Shui Energy: Health, Growth,

Rebirth, Organic, Healing, Lively

Ideal Room: Living Room



Feng Shui (Life) Area: Wellbeing

Feng Shui Element: Wood

Feng Shui Energy: Balance, Harmony,

Happiness, Stability

Ideal Room: Hallway, Foyer



Feng Shui (Life) Area: Children & Creativity

Feng Shui Element: Metal

Feng Shui Energy: Creativity, Joy, Play,

Imagination, Purity

Ideal Room: Kids Room, Nursery



Feng Shui (Life) Area: Knowledge & Wisdom

Feng Shui Element: Earth

Feng Shui Energy: Learning, Wisdom,

Reading, Patience, Peace, Truth

Ideal Room: Office, Meditation Room



Feng Shui (Life) Area: Career & Life Path

Feng Shui Element: Water

Feng Shui Energy: Career, Ambition,

Work, Business, Life Path

Ideal Room: Entryway - The Door



Feng Shui (Life) Area: Travel & Helpful People

Feng Shui Element: Metal

Feng Shui Energy: Intelligence, Mentorship,

Travel, Global Goals

Ideal Room: Office, Guest Room

Choose the Right Feng Shui Colors for Your Business Brand

  • Colors are a very significant and important part of every business brand. Choosing the right and most appropriate colors for your business could be a little bit challenging with so many color choices out there. That's why it is so important to have a proper understanding of the meaning and purpose behind every single color. Psychology already studied this topic and gave us loud and clear instructions about what each color represents and what kind of emotion or feeling it evokes in us - humans.

  • Different colors send out different messages and transmit specific frequencies that can have a negative or positive impact on the success and reputation of a business brand. To ensure that the colors chosen for the business represent the brand in its most authentic and positive way, we should use the art of Feng Shui, which has the best understanding and knowledge about the energies related to each and every color.

  • Colors that are used for business branding and marketing will be forever associated with a brand, so they are supposed to reflect the story, values, principles and purpose of the products or services to the public. Intentionally or unintentionally, colors will create the influence by impacting potential clients.

  • Feng Shui is highly aware of the energies all around us and that is why its power and ability to transform any living or business space has such a great value for humanity. Feng Shui is used for the purpose of creating the best possible vibe in any place by arranging furniture, décor items and colors in accordance with Feng Shui laws and principles. Therefore, Feng Shui uses colors to change the mood, behavior and actions of those living or working in the space for their highest good. For those same reasons, colors remain such an influential part of any type of business brand.

  • To be 100% sure that your business brand is sending out the right and correct message while representing it in the most authentic and most positive way, check out our Feng Shui Color Guide for the branding right below and choose the most suitable colors for your own business.

FENG SHUI COLOR GREEN symbolizes health, nourishment and growth. Green is ideal for businesses and brands that represent fresh, organic and eco-friendly products. Many grocery stores for healthy and organic food use the color green for their logo, marketing and branding. Green color is ideal for any type of organization or service that takes care of the environment. Color green is also highly recommended for businesses that are in eco tourism, as well as flower and plant shops.

 fresh + organic + earthy + calming + environmental + positive + lucky + wealthy + healthy + mature

FENG SHUI COLOR BLUE is the color that represents dependability, loyalty and calmness. Blue color is great for businesses, such as: financial institutions, social networks, corporate industries and soothing/beauty spas. Blue is also the color that emits peace and wisdom and for those reasons is very suitable for meditation and yoga resorts/retreats or any other type of businesses whose focus is on balancing mind, body and soul.

calming + tranquil + peaceful + loyal + trustworthy + harmonious + reliable + serene + healing + wise + clean

FENG SHUI COLOR PURPLE would be best described as luxurious, royal and spiritual. Darker shades of purple are great for luxury brands, while lighter shades are more feminine and more suitable for the beauty industry. Color purple is best for those businesses that represent fashion brands, jewelry or spirituality. Purple is the color that is mostly associated with wealth, riches and abundance, so the product or service that is represented by this color should also be expensive and of a very high value.

majestic + vibrant + wealthy + royal + luxurious + spiritual + mystical + successful + abundant + ambitious

FENG SHUI COLOR YELLOW is bright and energetic color that tends to increase the appetite. It also represents warmth, positivity and cheerful attitude. Color yellow gives an impression of happiness and excitement. Yellow is most suitable for businesses and brands that are in the food industry, such as: bakery, grocery shops, food deliveries, restaurants and cafes. This color also promotes youthful and joyful spirit, therefore is also a great choice for businesses which involve fun and entertainment or those that sell baby goods and kids toys.

bright + positive + warm + cheerful + energetic + joyful + light-hearted + sunny + creative + friendly + charismatic

FENG SHUI COLOR GOLD is the most valuable of all colors because it represents glamor, luxury, wealth and success. Color gold is the symbol of a great and abundant life. Gold emits the energies of prestige and prosperity. Businesses and brands that are selling luxury products or provide luxury services should use the color gold in their branding. For centuries the gold color has been used as a symbol of high living standards and very expensive lifestyle, therefore is ideal for the brands that represent that.

tradition + of a great value + wisdom + wealth + prosperity + luxury + prestige + success + glow + glamor

FENG SHUI COLOR ORANGE evokes energy and vibrancy, while also maintaining a friendly appeal. Non-obtrusive and inviting, fun and playful, orange color is great to use to express high and energetic energy. Those businesses that sell fun and playfulness, should use the color orange in their branding. Also, shops that sell sweets, cakes and cookies would ideally match with the color orange. Orange color is a symbol of happiness, positivity and good mood.

warm + playful + cheerful + friendly + energetic + happy + positive + confident + sweet

FENG SHUI COLOR RED is dynamic + powerful, well-known for stimulating appetite and drawing attention. Red is the most passionate of all colors and also very lively and energetic, so it should be used with caution. Too much red can cause drama and fiery tempers. Many large, global and successful business brands around the world have the color red as a part of their logo and branding, such as Coca-Cola. Red color is known as ambitious and strong and that's why it is the best fit for those companies that plan to expand largely and become a dominant and global force in any type of business industry.

passionate + dominant + dynamic + powerful + strong + dramatic + actionable + lively + successful + energetic

FENG SHUI COLOR PINK is mostly perceived as feminine, soft and delicate. Color pink is ideal for businesses that are focused on women's beauty and fashion. As very soft, gentle and compassionate, pink is also very suitable for baby goods and brands that represent femininity. Color pink could also be auspicious in the healthcare industry or for those businesses whose services are mainly focused on promoting self-love and self-care.

feminine + soft + gentle + lovely + compassionate + healthy + beautiful + gentle + delicate + optimistic

FENG SHUI COLOR GRAY is perceived as calming, sleek and neutral. Gray is  often seen in modern technology companies, conservative corporate settings and sleek design. But, the color gray is also seen as minimal, intelligent, graceful and modern, therefore it can be found in all the other business industries too. Being so neutral, the color gray can fit in any business or a brand and be suitable for any type of product and service and that is why it is so present in basically every industry. If you are unsure about choosing the right color for your business brand, by going for gray, you can't make the mistake.

techy + sleek + modern + futuristic + neutral + calm + conservative + minimal + intelligent + graceful

FENG SHUI COLOR BROWN is the most reliable, earthy and stable of all the colors which makes it perfect for businesses that sell home goods and décor. Practical, natural and predictable, the color brown is often found within brands that sell organic products, plants and flowers. Brown color is also great and suitable for brands that are based on sustainability which we can find in many industries nowadays, such as: fashion, tourism, agriculture, beauty, food...

natural + organic + earthy + conservative + reliable + friendly + comforting + practical + secure + stable

FENG SHUI COLOR BLACK is the ultimate powerhouse of the color palette by being so powerful, timeless and elegant. Black is known as the color of authority. Color black evokes sophisticated and bold appeal, which makes her often used in fashion industry, editorial and luxury brands. Black is also a very dominant and formal color associated with glamor, so the luxury brands and large, global known corporations have her as a significant part of their branding, marketing and design. Black color is seen mostly within dominant, highly known and very successful businesses. Black simply stands out.

bold + powerful + sophisticated + dramatic + formal + elegant + glamorous + mysterious + authoritative

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