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All You Need for the Best Feng Shui in Your Garden or Outdoor Space

To successfully turn any garden or outdoor space into a peaceful, happy and relaxed Feng Shui place,  it is necessary to follow Feng Shui laws and rules in the décor and design of the outdoors.

Feng Shui tips serve to create the most welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere in any open-air space of the house or flat for the families and their guests.

Feng Shui Your Garden or Outdoor Entryway

Every garden or outdoor space in Feng Shui serves as a zone of comfort and breaks from everyday obligations and duties. Applying Feng Shui in the garden or any other open-air space of the home creates an ideal energy for relaxation and enjoyment for the entire family and their guests.

Great Feng Shui always starts at the garden or outdoor entryway - a space where the life energy - chi enters the area and flows around circulating into the living space and everything around it.

As per Feng Shui, the entryway of any garden, backyard, balcony or terrace should be an open space area - free of any large trees or bushes in front of it. Large trees should be planted far away from the house or building doors to protect the front yard, garden and the entire home. In that way there are no energetic blockages and the life energy - chi moves around smoothly and freely. Feng Shui advises, as the best thing to do: placing 2 identical plants, one on each side of the entryway or the door to attract the energies of good luck, fortune, abundance and prosperity into the home.

Feng Shui Design & Décor

of the Garden

An ideal Feng Shui design & décor of the garden, backyard, balcony, terrace or any other open-air space contains this 3 Feng Shui Elements:

  • Water: a powerful Feng Shui symbol of wealth that attracts prosperity, good fortune and money
  • Rocks: Feng Shui way of protecting the home and outdoor space from negative and bad energies
  • Plants: a natural Feng Shui cure and energy booster that creates healing and positive vibes

According to the Chinese ancient art of transforming the energy in the space - Feng Shui, having water, rocks and plants in the garden or any other outdoor space is essential for creating a peaceful, enjoyable, harmonious and relaxed atmosphere.

Fresh air, rocks, plants and clean water are the natural Feng Shui energy cures that attract good luck and fortune, but also improve humans health and well being.

Besides implementing the natural Feng Shui energy cures outdoors for the purpose of creating the best Feng Shui energy, it is equally important to use the right furniture arrangement and shape in the design & décor of the open-air space. In Feng Shui, outdoor areas such as garden, balcony or a terrace should not be overloaded, otherwise the life energy - chi will circulate poorly; the design should be kept simple and comfortable. The most auspicious Feng Shui gardens and outdoor spaces have 2 things in common: simple design & open, welcoming vibe at all times.

Feng Shui Furniture Shape

for the Outdoor Space

Feng Shui energy of any garden, backyard, balcony or terrace is strongly influenced by the furniture arrangement and shape. It is very important to have the right furniture shape placed in the right corners of the outdoor space. In Feng Shui, round tables are the most preferable for eating. They don't have the sharp edges which tend to create the energetic barriers between the people around the table. Round tables create a pleasant atmosphere between the family members and their guests by encouraging pleasant and smooth conversations between them. To find out more about round shaped furniture and why it's truly the best Feng Shui option for every home or outdoor space, visit: Feng Shui Décor.

The sitting and the dining area of the garden, backyard, balcony or terrace should be placed in a way that people are seated in the Feng Shui 'command position' - with a good and clear view of the entry door and the entire outdoor space. In that way people feel comfortable, confident and in control of the space, which is highly auspicious for them.

Feng Shui Tips and Ideas

 for the Garden

Feng Shui strongly advises protecting the garden or any other outdoor space from noise, pollution and wind with a natural fence. Trees or bushes combined together with plants and flowers can also create an attractive natural fence or barrier that would be equally functional to protect outdoors from negative energies and influences.

Another energetically beneficial and important element of every Feng Shui garden or outdoor space is  a  water. Water is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in Feng Shui and it's a desirable part of every garden, backyard, balcony or terrace design. It can be placed in the form of a swimming pool, pond with goldfish, waterfall or a fountain. Any option will create the positive Feng Shui energy flow which attracts more abundance and prosperity to people's lives and home.

Adding fresh flowers, plants and trees  is an essential Feng Shui element for creating beauty, harmony and balance in the outdoor spaces. They evoke lively, fresh and healing vibes. Choose carefully what you like and make sure that plants and flowers don't have any sharp edges or leaves that could provoke harsh or unpleasant conversations and tempers between family members or their guests. Feng Shui also advises avoiding very tall trees and plants since they trap the energy and could potentially destroy the energetic balance and harmony.

Feng Shui Colors & Elements

in the Garden

Feng Shui Colors play a very important role in every garden and outdoor space. Each color emits a specific vibrational energy and represents a different Feng Shui element. Decide what kind of energies you want to create in your garden, backyard, balcony or terrace and based on that choose the favorite colors for your outdoor space:

Feng Shui Colors, Energies & Elements:

White Color - Creativity & Imagination - Metal

Yellow, Beige Color - Balance & Well-being - Earth

Gray, Silver Color - Grace & Calmness  - Metal 

Purple Color - Wealth & Spirituality - Wood

Red, Orange Color - Success & Fame - Fire

Blue Color - Wisdom & Peace - Earth

Green, Brown Color - Growth & Healing - Wood

Pink Color - Love & Romance - Earth

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