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Feng Shui Helpful People & Travel Area

Feng Shui Helpful People & Travel Area

When we say Feng Shui Travel Area, almost everyone immediately thinks of traveling and how applying Feng Shui might help them to go, see and explore more wonderful, new places.

In addition to that, Feng Shui Travel & Helpful People Area of our home and business space rules many other areas of our life, such as: Spirituality, Helpful People, International Pursuits and Global Affairs by influencing and impacting our energetic field on an everyday basis. Therefore, it is highly important to ensure the best possible Feng Shui vibe in it.

Our living and working space can help us to achieve any local or global sized dream that we have or attract international opportunities our way, if we simply decide to organize and arrange it in a Feng Shui way.

Feng Shui Tips to Activate Helpful People & Travel Area

As we stand at any room, office or home door, the Feng Shui Helpful People & Travel Area will be located on our front right-hand side as soon as we enter in.

If there is a new place that you recently marked on your travel list or a global goal that you wish to achieve, it is valuable to know that this particular Feng Shui Area called Helpful People & Travel rules traveling and everything else connected to it:  global sized goals and dreams, business, career and international partnerships.

Whatever we want to pursue in terms of business, traveling, global connections or spiritualityFeng Shui tips and activating Feng Shui Helpful People & Travel Area can assist. In order to attract amazing career and business opportunities or new travel experiences our way, we should have this particular space area arranged as per Feng Shui way, so that the flow of the life energy - chi can work for our greatest good and benefit.

Feng Shui Helpful People & Travel Area is represented by the Metal Element, Color Gray, Natural Stones and Circular Shapes. Feng Shui suggests placing a large cabinet there (or any other larger piece of furniture) in color gray and decorating it with the symbols of Helpful People & Travel Area that would be of a great help with moving our plans forward and achieving our desired results. Décor items & symbols hat are the most favorable for arranging and decorating the Feng Shui Helpful People & Travel Area are:

  • Symbols of supportive people (business cards, brochures, figures)
  • Reference of an important mentor in your life
  • Photos of you being helpful or being involved in a charity cause
  • Books about religion, spiritual leaders or mentors
  • Spiritual items or symbols in which you believe
  • Travel guides, souvenirs, magazines or photos
  • Souvenirs from previously visited places or upcoming trips

In Feng Shui, the Helpful People & Travel Area is not only a corner of the home or office space that mainly symbolizes traveling, adventures and making our holiday dreams come true, it also relates to the important people, connections and assistance that comes from abroad. It symbolizes charity and spirituality too.

To create even better and more positive flow of the life energy - chi in our personal Feng Shui Helpful People & Travel Area, we would follow this simple Feng Shui tips, rules and laws while arranging it:

  • Keep shiny, gray or metallic objects in here
  • Place an artwork that represents earth, landscapes or a vase with plants
  • Add items that represent movement, such as a clock or TV
  • Avoid candles or other symbols of fire - they are simply not useful in this area

Whatever you decide to do in your living or working space, always keep in mind that Feng Shui Helpful People & Travel Area should represent your wishes, desires, global size dreams and goals, international connections, travels, helpful people and spiritual beliefs. Use your common sense and your personal style while decorating this particular area of your space and add everything that symbolizes those things for you personally and your family.

If you are confused or unsure where exactly is located your Feng Shui Helpful People & Travel Area, check out the Feng Shui Bagua Map for more clarity on that.

Feng Shui Extra Tip

For the fastest and best results, it is highly recommended to keep the light on in Feng Shui Helpful People & Travel Area. 

If there is a possibility, place a tall lamp and keep it on until your desire or wish comes true.

Light activates, which attracts prosperity and luck into your home and life.

Turning on a light 24/7 is a powerful Feng Shui tool and I advise you to try it with any goal you have. 

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